
Photos from a walk to Moss Eccles Tarn from Near Sawrey. An easy but lovely walk. Near Sawrey is 8 miles from Lynwood and the easily followed route for the walk is in the folder at Lynwood Cottage. Hilltop (belonging to the National Trust - Beatrix Potter’s house) is also at Near Sawrey and the walk has added joy due to cake stall with honesty box near the end. Very yum!

We walked to Whorneyside Force - an impressive waterfall in the Langdale Valley

2 great walks during the weekend before Christmas. A very misty walk near Torver and a fantastic walk in brilliant sunshine round Rydal Water and Grasmere.

Despite the devastation and havoc caused around Cumbria by Storm Arwen this weekend, we enjoyed some fantastic views and a couple of good walks, including around Coppermines Valley above Coniston. A new favourite place for a good value breakfast is the cafe at Booths in Ulverston. We love everything about Booths and this was an added bonus!

The photo was taken just up the road from the cottage on a wonderful evening walk after a rainy day.Altogether, it was a very wet half term visit but the Lake District still has a distinctive beauty.